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Unit 6: Researching and the Sprinkles

20 December - 26 December

UNIT 6: Researching and the Sprinkles

Learning Guide Unit 6


Unit 6: Researching and the Sprinkles
  • Using the UoPeople Library
  • Plagiarism
  • How to add sources to a paper
  • Writing with clarity
  • Your own story choice
  • Graded Quiz
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
  1. Use the UoPeople Library to find source material.
  2. Analyze and synthesize external source material.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of APA Citations.

  • Peer assess Unit 5 Written Assignment
  • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
  • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
  • Make entries to the Learning Journal
  • Take the Self-Quiz
  • Take the Graded Quiz


This unit will focus on using the UoPeople Library to find three sources for your 5 paragraph paper. You will assess the sources and learn how to add them to your paper with the correct credit given per APA style format. You will learn about writing with clarity. You will use the Discussion Forum to discuss the story you chose to read for this week.  Your Learning Journal this week will be focused on gathering properly cited sources for your 5 paragraph essay.
This unit also features a Graded Quiz on the subjects from Units 1-6. It is strongly recommended that you take the Self-Quiz before attempting the Graded Quiz.

Learning Guide Unit 6

Reading Assignment

The following will be used for this week's Reading Assignment:
Instead of picking a story from the past units that you haven’t read, you can pick one of the longer stories below:
If you need help with the APA Reference information, you can use (remember to set it to APA) for the Reference information. Note—this will not help list the in-text citations. Please check your notes for help on this.

Discussion Assignment

For your Discussion Assignment, you will pick a story that you have not read from this course or one of the new 'longer' selections. You will state, with a quotation from the story you chose, why you decided to write on that particular story. I want you to explain the significance of the quote to you--why did this line from the story stand out to you--and tell your classmates if you recommend the story or not.
Remember, you will need to use:
  • One quote formatted using APA in-text citation style.
  • The full reference information formatted using APA Reference section style (if you need help with the reference material, you can use but make sure you select APA and not MLA).
You are also responsible for replying with two or three sentences to three different students and rating their main posts from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) in the Rate box provided.

Learning Journal

For this Unit's Learning Journal, you will research three outside sources for information to add to the essay you submitted in Unit 4. Then, for each source submit the full reference information formatted using APA Reference section style followed by at least one quote or paraphrase formatted using APA in-text citation style that you wish to use for your paper.
Remember, can help you format the full reference listing part (but not the in-text citation) of this assignment. If you do use the website, please remember to select “APA” for the style.


The Self-Quiz gives you an opportunity to self-assess your knowledge of what you have learned so far.

The results of the Self-Quiz do not count towards your final grade, but the quiz is an important part of the University’s learning process and it is expected that you will take it to ensure understanding of the materials presented. Reviewing and analyzing your results will help you perform better on future Graded Quizzes and the Final Exam.
The Self-Quiz will remain open until the end of the term and allow unlimited attempts.
Please access the Self-Quiz on the main course homepage; it will be listed inside the Unit.

Graded Quiz

The Graded Quiz will test your knowledge of all the materials learned thus far. The results of the quiz will count towards your final grade.
Please access the Graded Quiz on the main course homepage; it will be listed inside the Unit. After you click on it, the quiz’s introduction will inform you of any time or attempt limits in place.
Good luck!


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